Saturday, August 28, 2010

Weyoun 9


(interviewed in Weyoun's quarters [taken from Delta Database])

Affiliation(s): Kurillian Alliance
Sex: Male
Height: 1.6 meters
Hair: Dark brown
Weight: 63.5 kg
Eye Color: I've been told it's lavender or lilac.. I've never been able to tell.
DOA (Date of Activation): early mid-2376, sd 53387.0
Rank: Ambassador of the Vorta People to the Federaton
Planet: Kurill Prime
Species: Vorta
Language(s): Kurillian, Dominionese, Fed. Standard, Cardassian, Naussican, Ferengi, Klingonese, Romulan, Lumerian,  and I'm attempting to learn Bajoran..

Interviewer (M): so Weyoun... uh, may i call you that? Or do you prefer ambassador?
(W)eyoun: Goodness, no! I detest it when people call me as such, especially friends. Even Mr. Weyoun bothers me.
M: =3 all righty, well, let me start with the new kurill/UFP alliance. you seem to be a big defender of it.
W: Absolutely. It's the first independent act the Vorta have made from the Dominion.
M: and the vorta are really no longer part of the Dominion?
W: ..Yes.
M: why did you leave? better question, how? the general knowledge is that vorta are genetically engineered to serve the Founders. what allowed you forsake your gods?
W: ....We don't like to refer to our separation from the Founders as "forsaking". Odo made us truly aware that they were our benefactors--not gods--and we had more than payed our debt to them. 4,000 years is a long time to serve up gratitude. The greater majority didn't accept it easily, but the core of our society, the host recipients--or non-cloned, natural born Vorta--moved forward on it, believing it to be the next evolutionary step as an independent race. The rest of our species followed suit naturally, clones even more easily as they are more so followers and servants.
M: how did the dominion react to this?
W: ...Well... not very well. Especially the Jem'Hadar. Once they received word that the Vorta were only just considering leaving the Dominion, they began killing us rapidly. They automatically called us traitors and that traitors only deserve to die.
M: was this before or after the federation proposition for your membership?
W: Before. *sigh* I wish both had happened sooner, especially the invitation.
M: doesn't it bother you just a little bit that your membership is based more on a last minute agreement on the fed's part?
W: The way I view it is if it's a membership congruent to all other world's privileges, why complain?
M: x3 good point. Well, now that we've gotten the obvious formal stuff out of the way, let's lighten it up a little. You're something of a contradiction to your predecessors. You're everything they weren't and everything they were at the same time.
W: *smiles* No clone is exactly identical in personality to the one before.
M: true, but you shock everyone with your personality. you're social, friendly, and loyal. it's a shame that people've got you kinda stereotyped. what do you think of that?
W: *looks down with a faint smile* I can only hope that over time everyone will accept me. They've already begun to cope with my presence on the station.
M: that's another thing i wanted to ask you. why ds9? the federation headquarters would be much more befitting to a vorta diplomat.
W: True... but DS9 is the closest place in the Alpha Quadrant to my home. I may be genetically accustomed to this lifestyle, but it doesn't change the fact that Kurill is my home and the first place I saw when I was activated.
M: must be pretty hard to be so far away from it then.
W: Yes.. but as ambassador, my job comes first.
M: random question: do you have any living family? we all know you're a clone but you do come from a host-recipient.
W: Well... the first in my series was cloned over 2,000 years ago. Mine is a very old line.
M: WHOA! how long do vorta live exactly!?
W: *surprised*...Natural born Vorta live for 300 years but clones live until they're terminated by some means.
M: *shocked* O_O jeez... so i don't suppose you do have any distant relatives still living?
W: I truly wouldn't know. I don't remember my previous clone's lives.
M: <=/ i'm sorry about that. nothing at all?
W: .......
M: oh... forgive me; that was too personal, wasn't it?
W: No no.... it's just rather disturbing. The only things I remember are the few moments before and after 1-8's deaths.
M: =( that's... terrible. it's a miracle you've turned out the way you have.
W: I often think the same thing. The professional conclusion the cloning experts came to was that I am defective.
M: well, i know you have a lot of supporters saying that you aren't, myself included.
W: *smiles kindly* Thank you.
M: okay, one more question then i'll get out of your hair. don't want to cut into your schedule too much.
W: Oh, not at all! I enjoy this greatly!
M: =#3 is it true that you work part time at Quark's bar? and that he hired you specifically for your telekinetic and telepathic abilities?
W: Haha, where did you hear that?
M: sources.. <=}
W:....I'm not exactly at liberty to say.
M: well what could you say? please tell me at least about your abilities.
W: *laughs modestly* My telekinesis is something I never had much time to practice, but all Vorta, including the hosts, have a heightened sense of telepathy from birth/activation. you read whomever's mind you want?
W: Not ordinarily. Normally, we will only do so if an assignment requires it or if we are given explicit permission. I'm surprised you even found out about our abilities at all, but as you said, you do have your sources...
M: I won't tell anyone. ;) But thank you so much for your time, Weyoun!
W: You're most welcome; and feel free to ask me more anytime. Contrary to popular belief, i do have more time than I know what to do with.. *smiles mischievously*
M: i'll keep that in mind! XD


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

RP musings

Was looking through some RP discussions and I saw something that irked me. One person who was not a fan and knew nothing about Trek said to the effect: "How hard could it be? It's just the same as any other RPing."

These are just a few of the thoughts that come to my mind when I see comments like that:

#1: You cannot have a successful Role-Play if you do not know the show.

#2: To RP is to BE in your character's mind. It's a terrific way to learn about them, what they think, how they would act, and so forth. You can't RP if you don't know the character, especially if the one you play is Canon.

#3: How could someone really have the gall to be so ignorant in such a statement? Role-Playing is a game, but it's a serious way of acting, even if you don't do it professionally. Messing up is unheard of. Would the character go so off their personality like that? No, I don't think so. What you see in the show and your person is all you're going to get. So for example if someone who RPed from Babylon 5 came into Avatar and started yammering off, they wouldn't be taken seriously.

#4: Above all, that statement is in the true essence of the word "n00bish."


Okay, I've finished my rant. Feel better now? I do. LOL XD

Monday, February 22, 2010

Past Scars of 2010

A different story all together, I met her last year. She seemed like a good friend with a strong opinion. She had several people reject her opinions over the past, but I told her she wouldn't get rid of me. That was the worst mistake I'd made in a while. At first I couldn't detect the subtle hints. Then it began escalating out of control. In one day, I had three messages the size of Texas. The next week, I attempted to move the conversations over to a more limited place; but that just made it worse. In one day it would be 23, then 43, then into the fifties, finally into the seventies. I was overwhelmed, to say in the least. It began taking up all my time, stealing my peace, and depriving my friends and family of my attention. I was getting sucked into a black hole and I couldn't do one darn thing about it. Trapped, I thought it was just normal to have someone talking to me that much. I had no idea what a real friendship was like anyway. So I opened up even farther, and farther, and farther... Until a door had been opened. An unsafe familiar spirit began to wreak havoc on my life. My mother could see it, feel the rift in her soul. Clearly, I was in the wrong place.

When he came in (the one I mentioned before), we had been in contact for four months. But that's when things started to come to light for me. Many signs were beginning to indicate that she wasn't really who she said she was. I was being led around again in a massive sea of mail. Finally, I decided this was too much. I probably could've done it better than I did, but I got angry. I thought she was lying to me, and I still think she was. But after three days of confusion on her end, I asked God what I should do. He said "It's time to end it." So I did.

Now it's been about a month since it ended. Looking back, I see that I wasted almost half a year of my life, trapped under a control I couldn't see. But now, I'm free. At peace and content. Just... FREE!